Saturday, March 31, 2007






由於這種病非常罕有,能醫治的方法不多 ... 正式的只有一種方法:骨髓移植。

所以他們是非常急切的需要合適的骨髓! 能找到適合的骨髓的機會是萬份之一,所以只有越多的骨髓資料,才有較高的機會。 所以,懇切祈求大家能立刻積極登記,成為骨髓捐贈者。

Fong Hei Man's Blog

Friday, March 30, 2007

More YouTube Video Awards

Most Creative - Here It Goes Again

Most Adorable - Kiwi

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Free Hugs Campaign - Most Inspirational YouTube Video

Most Inspirational - Free Hugs Campaign

Sometimes, a hug is all what we need.

Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER!

Official Homepage of the Free Hugs Campaign

Monday, March 26, 2007

方卓如 - 再戰江湖


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Riddle of the Day - Riddle my word

Riddle my Word

Decapitate me and all becomes equal. Then truncate me and I become second. Cut me front and back and I become two less than I started.

What am I?

P.S. The blogger has been too busy to blog recently, to keep this blog up and running, she will post a puzzle, riddle, math, or statistical problems every few days. Try to answer each one and post your answers in the comments section. She will post the answer later. Even if you have the same answer as someone else, please feel free to put up your answer, too!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Amazing Couple

Jolie due to adopt Viet boy today

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Angelina Jolie was expected to arrive in Vietnam late Wednesday night to adopt a three-year-old boy, officials said.

Jolie was expected to attend an adoption ceremony with Vietnamese officials in Ho Chi Minh City this morning, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

After she receives the child, Jolie will meet US consular officials, who must review the adoption before a passport can be issued for the boy.

If all goes according to plan, Jolie could bring the child home by the weekend.

The boy has been living at the Tam Binh orphanage on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City since he was abandoned at a hospital as an infant, according to adoption officials.

The boy is healthy, friendly and a little bit shy, they said.

He gets along well with other children and loves to play soccer.

Jolie filed adoption papers as a single parent, because she and her superstar partner Brad Pitt are not married.

The couple have three children: five- year-old Maddox, adopted from Cambodia; two-year-old Zahara, adopted from Ethiopia; and another daughter, Shiloh, who was born to the couple in May.

The pair made a surprise visit to the Tam Binh orphanage at Thanksgiving, when they were seen cruising around Ho Chi Minh City on a motorbike.

Jolie is a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and has traveled extensively to countries in the developing world.

Jolie's security team arrived in Ho Chi Minh City earlier Wednesday to lay the groundwork for the star's arrival, adoption officials said.

After the adoption of Jolie's newest child is complete, she is expected to visit the Tam Binh orphanage to play with the children who live there.

Jolie adopted her first child, Maddox, in 2002. Zahara joined the family in 2005.

The new boy's name has not been revealed.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tuesday, March 06, 2007












『你是誠信啊,你這不純心給我們添麻煩嗎?如今競爭這麼激烈,我們” 不正當競爭”怎麼敢要你誠信?』言罷,揚長而去。




Monday, March 05, 2007

再尋Blogging意義 Blog is Blog! You know?

(明報) 03月 04日 星期日 05:05AM

【明報專訊】Blogging在香港算不算很熱門?根據微軟上一年的「Windows Live
Service Provider,下稱BSP),吸引了大量網民一嘗Blogging滋味。今年年初,新浪網更將其Blog裏的文章結集成書,介紹Blog和新浪的Blog社群。不過,這一本書的出版引來Blog圈(Blogosphere)一連串討論。原來,我們時光倒流回到兩年前的討論當中。

自己算是比較「老餅」的Blogger,回想2005年4月,香港一些Blogger發起了「Blog is

明白意義所在 不應設限



在「Blog is Blog」時大家有了一個共識:對於個人來說,Blog用來做什麼都可以,不應設限。不過對於整體Blog圈發展,則未有詳細討論。直到近來新浪出書,一些較資深的Blogger指出BSP的Blogging環境問題。有較新的Blogger因而提出「為什麼Blogging一定要有深度?」一類問題,繼而引發「Blog是什麼?為什麼Blogging?」等老問題的再討論。這一波Blogger也無可避免地,經歷「Blog is Blog」時的Blogging意義尋找之旅。可預見的是,人潮過後便會漸趨平穩,留的會留,走的會走,新人亦能從舊人經驗找到自己的路。除非有什麼事再引發Blogging人潮,使大量新人湧入引致斷層,才可能會「再尋找」一次。




Blog is Blog! You never know what you gonna get from this blog! Haha!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

My Cubicle

Cool Slideshows

Taken by Nokia N73