Friday, February 29, 2008

My Tiny Garden - Planning for Next Season

Johanna, any comment to the layout?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

很天真, 很傻?


朋友們都為着那超五星級的酒店優惠勸我三思,反覆思量,還是決定接受這挑戰。 在薪優糧準與工作滿足感之間,選擇了後者,希望我的決定不是太天真, 太傻吧!

除了那三十天有薪假期外, 最捨不得是一班可愛的同事和在中環工作的『飯腳』, 當了十多年的中區“厲”人, 面對將要在港島東“厲”人日子, 實在是一個頗大的考驗! 


Sunday, February 24, 2008

我的小小田 之 童貞翠玉瓜

原來不只香港女多男少,在植物界,『女多男少』的現象也時有發生,像我棵翠玉瓜,竟連開三朶雌花,也來不及開一朵雄花,據專業田友Johanna告知,若雌花無緣遇上雄花,雌花後的翠玉瓜就不能再長大,不久就會掉下來,所以我這三顆『童貞翠玉瓜』竟能長得這麽大,簡直是恩典,我看應是『神蹟』! Alleluia!!



Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008



Monday, February 04, 2008

How to prune tomatoes?

How To Prune Tomatoes

When growing tomatoes, you want to get the maximum yield of crops, with the best flavour you can. Pruning your plants to remove unwanted shoots and leaves is an essential part of this. Tom Cole shows us how.

Step 1: When to de-shoot
The aim when growing a tomato plant is to have a single stem. Wait until four or five fruit bearing trusses have grown from the stem, then pinch out any additional side shoots, leaving the plant's top shoot, known as the terminal shoot.

Step 2: Pinching out
Grab a growing tip by the base between the thumb and forefinger, and bend it back and forth until it snaps cleanly. This should ideally be done when the shoot is young and supple. This should ensure that the majority of the nutrients are sent to the fruits, instead of being wasted on the unwanted growing tips. Avoid cutting with a blade as the wound can become easily infected, although this may be easier on older, tougher shoots.

Step 3: Removing leaves
As the plant begins to mature, the lower leaves will naturally begin to yellow and wilt. This is perfectly normal, so pull these from the plant when they appear. It will keep the plant fresh, looking good, and help ward of disease.

Step 4: Topping
To get the best out of the last growth of the season, it is necessary to "top" the plant. About a month before the first expected frost, or when the plant hits the roof of your greenhouse, remove the plants terminal shoot. At this point in the season, the tomatoes currently growing will have a limited time to reach maturity, so all nutrients must be directed straight to the fruit.

Sunday, February 03, 2008