Sunday, December 30, 2007

Attitude affect Altitude




Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My First Photobook Finally Arrived!!

I'm so excited to receive my first self-created photobook "Faces of Iran" on the Christmas Day just before leaving home to Christmas Mass. Thanks, God! It is about my Iran Trip in Oct 2007. It takes me weeks to finish this book. Despite many negative comments given by other customers in Blurb's forum, the quality of the book turns out very good and it's out of my expectation.

Thank you, Blurb! Thank you, UPS! Life is really beautiful!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Vietnam Trip (1) - Mekong Delta

Vietnam's "rice basket" - The Mekong Delta

Merry Christmas

Taken at Equatorial Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Wednesday, December 19, 2007




Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Exam Report

In comparative terms, the October diet delivered a stellar performance, reflected in apass rate of 61% (the highest since October 2000). In addition, 6 distinctions wereawarded by the Examination board representing some truly stunning responses to the examination paper. This is particularly pleasing given that this was the first examination set in accordance with the new manual.

This excellent set of results does however mask examples of severe underperformance across the candidate population where 'clear blue water' is evident between the strong performers and much weaker exam submissions. The Examination Board has deduced that there is simply no substitute for hard work, with the outstanding papers reflecting excellent examination technique and a truly rounded knowledge base.

For this diet in particular, there appeared to be a concerning trend where students wererelying on performing well on the 'numbers' questions without demonstrating the farwider requirements of the discipline. This is a high risk strategy, with the oddsstacked heavily against any candidate who believes that delivering the mathematicalelement will secure them a pass.
How do stunning responses look like? Hahaha!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

我的小小田 ----- 再戰江湖

Dec 15, 2007 - 翻田
Dec 16, 2007 - 下種

Thursday, December 13, 2007

How to Grow Tomatoes

Growing tomatoes is easy. It's one reason for their popularity in your home garden. Tomato plants are usually started indoors. Plant them in small containers eight to ten weeks before the last frost date for your area. Just prior to planting them in your garden, "harden them off" by bringing them outside during the daytime and for increasing hours, until you are leaving them out overnight. Use of a coldframe is recommended, but not a requirement. If frost is predicted, bring them indoors.

On planting day, pour liberal amounts of water with a soluble liquid fertilizer on them. Plant them in the garden carefully. To minimize transplant shock, avoid disturbing the roots. Normal spacing is 24 " apart, in rows 30" to 36" apart.

Fertilize on a regular basis. Early applications should be high in nitrogen. As blossoming occurs, switch to fertilizers which are higher in Phosphorus and Potassium. Too much Nitrogen fertilizer results in lots of lush green leaves, and little fruit. A fertilizer specifically formulated for tomatoes, will help to maximize your crop. Try Jobes Fertilizer spikes.

Keep your tomato plant well watered. Deep watering is preferable, over more frequent, light watering. You want moisture to go deep to all the roots of the plant. Water directly to the roots. Keep water off the leaves if at all possible. Tomatoes are susceptible to plant disease that grows in wet, humid conditions.

Even if you have a garden out back, we recommend finding a place along the back of the house for just one tomato plant. This one plant will be the last to succumb to frost in the fall. The warmth of the house, and a light plastic sheet or cloth tossed over it at night, will allow you to harvest fresh tomatoes after the first frost, right when prices are rising in the grocery store.

To maximize your crop, and minimize disease and insect damage, stake or cage tomatoes. They will reward you with more tomatoes. And, they will be cleaner, as they will not be sitting on the soil.

Days to Maturity:
Varying types require from 55 days to 85 days (Beefsteaks). The race is always on in my neighborhood to get the first ripe tomato of the season. Most of us also grow and await the beefsteaks. One slice from these delicious beauties more than fills a sandwich.

Cold and hot spells will affect fruit development and growth. Fruit set will not occur below 55 degrees or above 90 degrees Farenheit.

Insects and Pests:

Tomatoes can experience insect problems with cutworms and a few other garden pests. Also, if not staked or caged, snails and slugs will munch on the ripening fruit.


A number of plant problems can arise, usually in mid summer heat and humidity. Blights and fungus infections can occur in the high humidity. Early treatment with fungicides is effective. Spacing plants too close cuts down air circulation and promotes disease.

Blossom end rot can also affect the fruit. This is a round, brown, indented spot on the bottom of the tomato. It is caused by either uneven watering or a lack of calcium in the soil. More on Blossom End Rot.

Tip: Do not water at night if possible in hot and humid weather if possible. Moisture and humidity combined with high temperatures promotes plant diseases. If possible, water at the roots.

Tomatoes like it hot! They will die if exposed to frost. Make sure to plant them after the last frost.
Tip#1: Cover your young seedling if frost is predicted. A simple and easy cover for small seedlings is to buy large or extra large plastic disposable cups. Place them over the seedling at dusk, and remove them in the morning. There is usually little or no wind on nights with frost, so they are not easily tipped over.
Tip#2: If you get a light frost overnight and you did not cover up your plants. Go out early before the sun rises, and spray your plants with the garden hose. This melts the ice off the plants and may save them.

Harvesting and Storing Tomatoes:
Tomatoes store well in a cool, dry location. Do not put them in the refrigerator. While they last longer in the refrigerator, they will lose their flavor and texture. Keep them out of direct sunlight.

Just before frost, pick tomatoes while the are still green or orange. Wash them thoroughly. Rinse in a light solution of 1 gallon of water and a tablespoon of bleach. This kills off bacteria that rots the fruit. Allow them to dry, then put them in a cool, dry, dark place.

How to Grow Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce is one of the most popular of lettuces in both the garden, and the kitchen. Gardeners love it because it is fast growing, and forms a loose head, that is easy to harvest. It takes up little space in the garden, too. Sweet and delicious, Romaine lettuce is the basics for Caesar salad.

Days to Maturity:
Romaine lettuce is ready to harvest in 65-70 days.

Seeds are very fine. Plant in rows, spreading the seeds as thinly as possible. No matter how hard you try, they are so difficult to disperse. Thinning seedlings is must. Cover the seeds with a very fine layer of loose soil or starting mixture.

Romaine is a good candidate for an indoor start. They transplant easily. You can also plant indoors in pots, or in container gardens on the deck. When transplanting in the garden, you can give them the proper spacing.

How to Grow:

Final spacing of the plants should be 12" apart, in rows 18" apart. For maximum growth, avoid overcrowding. Whether starting indoors or out, you will likely want to transplant your seedlings with the proper spacing for fast, full development.

Romaine likes cool weather and lots of moisture in rich, well drained soil. Transplanting should only be done in cool, preferably cloudy weather. If the weather is hot and sunny, we recommend putting off transplanting if possible. If this is not possible, then transplant in the early evening hours. Water thoroughly and every day after, unless it rains, for about a week.

The key to growing crisp, sweet Romaine lettuce, is to get it growing at a fast pace. That means plenty of water, and a healthy dose of fertilizer.

When transplanting lettuce in hot weather, place some form of sun shade over the plant for a couple of days. Any makeshift shade will do.

Succession planting is a common and useful practice. Plant successive crops for a constant supply of Romaine all season long. Plant small rows or sections of your garden with Romaine every two weeks.

You can pick Romaine as soon as it is big enough to use. The outer leaves can be picked and the inner leaves allowed to grow. Or, use the plants pulled while thinning. After cutting, Romaine will regrow, but will not be one nice, neat head. It's better to start a new plant.

Insects and Pests:

A variety of insects can pose a real problem. Lettuce is delicate and can absorb many insecticides. If you want or need to use insecticides, look for brands that are less harmful to you and the environment. We like to avoid insecticides on leafy vegetables wherever possible. we suggest organic sprays, and a willingness to give up some of the harvest to insects, versus using pesticides. After all, one of the reasons most of us have gardens is to avoid the pesticides.

Slugs are a real problem for all types of lettuces. There are a variety of control methods.


Romaine lettuce will wilt and rot in hot, humid weather. The plant will also bolt or go to seed stage in higher heat. Heading or bunching types are more susceptible to rotting and bolting. Leaf types grow and mature quickly, and have fewer disease problems.


Romaine lettuce thrives in cooler weather, with moderate moisture. It is not fond of mid-summer heat, or dry conditions. Many gardeners will plant a crop for spring and early summer harvest, leaving the mid summer months to the tomatoes and the corn. Then, as the late summer heat begins to wane, they plant a new lettuce crop for a fall harvest.



栽 培 環 境 :

由 九 月 中 旬 至 翌 年 三 月 均 可 種 植 ( 最 適 宜 是 十 月 至 二 月 ) 。 生 長 適 溫 為 18 - 25°C ; 發 芽 適 溫 為 25 - 30°C 。 喜 微 酸 性 土 壤 , 最 適 宜 的 pH 值 為 5.5 - 7.0 ; 喜 歡 土 壤 濕 潤 而 空 氣 乾 燥 的 環 境 。 翠 玉 瓜 栽 培 , 以 通 透 性 好 , 保 水 力 強 的 壤 土 , 容 易 獲 得 高 產 。 日 照 不 足 或 土 壤 水 分 過 多 或 排 水 不 良 時 , 易 引 起 徒 長 和 落 果 。
注 意 事 項 : 翠 玉 瓜 對 霜 凍 頗 為 敏 感 。

種 植 及 株 行 距 :

種 子 發 芽 約 需 5 天 ; 幼 苗 長 到 3 - 4 片 真 葉 時 ( 20 - 25 天 ) 便 可 移 植 到 田 間 ; 或 每 穴 直 播 2 - 3 粒 種 子 。
種 植 株 距 約 3 呎 , 行 距 4 呎 。

施 肥 及 管 理 :

定 植 前 要 落 基 肥 ( 每 斗 地 約 用 花 生 麩 120 斤 及 骨 粉 60 斤 / 斗 種 ) 。 移 植 後 一 星 期 每 株 施 用 藍 丸 120 克 , 十 日 後 再 用 相 同 數 量 的 藍 丸 作 追 肥 之 用 。 在 生 長 過 程 中 可 加 入 適 量 的 葉 面 肥 , 有 助 植 株 及 果 實 的 生 長 。 再 輔 以 中 耕 除 草 及 摘 除 病 葉 及 弱 果。

採 收 :

當 果 實 生 長 到 6 - 8 吋 長 度 時 , 便 可 採 收 。 採 收 期 約 三 星 期 。 由 播 種 至 第 一 次 採 收 為 35 - 47 日 ( 開 花 後 11 天 為 適 收 ) 。 採 收 後 可 貯 存 一 星 期 ( 不 能 低 於 10°C ) 。

Source: 漁 農 自 然 護 理 署 園 藝 組

伊朗行《17》--- Tehran

Tehran is the capital and largest city of Iran.

It is the hub of the country's communication and transport network. The city has numerous large museums, art centers, palace complexes and cultural centers and host 45% of Iran's industries.

Left: Golestan Palace Right: Holy Shrine of Imam Khomeini

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

伊朗行《16》--- Kashan

Kashan is a desert oasis situated in an historic region that dates back to pre-historic times. There are hundreds of once-grand traditional houses. in Kashan. Most have long since been carved up or are literally turning to dust, but recently a few have been restored and many others are being slowly and meticulously revived.

Originally built as a private residence in the early 19th century, the Khan-e Borujerdi has a lovely courtyard flanked by summer and winter houses.

At the southern end of the courtyard, the splendid motifs above the arched entrance to the summer house indicate this was the home of a rich merchant of handicrafts.

As you wander around the narrow streets of Kashan, look carefully at the doors.

Most have two knockers, one round and fat, the other long and thin.

These were designed to give off different sounds so that whoever was in the house would be able to tell whether a man or woman was knocking and so decide who should open the door to them; vital in a society where women lived in purdah (in seclusion or behind a veil).

Designed for Shah Abbas I, Bagh-e Tarikhi-ye Fin is a classical Persian vision of paradise. It has always been prized for its natural springs and still contains the remains of the Shah's two-storey palace.

Bagh-e Tarikhi-ye Fin is also infamous for being the site of the murder in 1851 of the revered Mirza Taghi Khan, commonly known as Amir Kabir.

Source: Lonely Planet

Monday, December 10, 2007

伊朗行《15》--- Isfahan

Isfahan, located about 340 km south of Tehran, is the capital of Isfahan Province and Iran's third largest city.

The Imam (Naghsh-e Jahan) Square in Isfahan has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The city also contains a wide variety of Islamic architectural sites ranging from the eleventh to the nineteenth century. Its stunning architecture, tree-lined boulevards with relaxed, tree-shaded sidewalks and its architectural variety make it the undisputed highlight of Iran's cities.

Vank Cathedral is the historic focal point of the Armenian Church in Iran.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

伊朗行《14》--- Naqsh-e Rustam

Naqsh-e Rustam is an archaeological site located about 12 km northwest of Persepolis, in Fars province, Iran. It lies a few hundred meters from Naqsh-e Rajab.

Four tombs belonging to Achaemenid kings are carved out of the rock face. They are all at a considerable height above the ground.

One of the tombs is explicitly identified by an accompanying inscription to be the tomb of Darius I. The other three tombs are believed to be those of Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I and Darius II respectively.

Tomb of Darius the Great, Naqsh-e Rostam

伊朗行《13》--- Shiraz

Shiraz is the capital of Fārs Province and is located in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains. It is known as the city of poetry, wine and carpet production and flowers (such as roses). It is also famous for its importance in the history of Iran. It has a moderate climate and has been a regional trade center for more than a thousand years.

Left: Arg of Karim Khan
Top Right: Bagh-e Eram
Middle & Bottom Right: Qor'an Gate

Monday, December 03, 2007

伊朗行《12》--- Persepolis

Persepolis is a historical site near Shiraz, in Fars Province.

It is an ancient capital city of the Persian Empire and one of the greatest cities in the Middle East at the height of the empire. It was sacked by Alexander The Great.

Xerxes' Gateway

Persepolis which originally covered more than 125,000 square metres, was built over a 150 year period commencing about 512 BC during the reigns of the Achaemenian dynasty kings Darius I (Darius the Great), Xerxes I and II, and Artaxerxes I, II, and III.

The name "Persepolis" is that given to the city by Alexander, who sacked the city and burned it to the ground in 331 BC. Understandably, you'll rarely hear Alexander deemed "the Great" in these parts.

The original name in Achaemenian times was "Parsa". Today, most Iranians refer to the site as Takht-é Jamshid, or "Throne of Jamshid", a mythical king of ancient Persia.

Above is a birdeye view of the central part of Persepolis, taken from the tomb of Artaxerxes II (404 - 358 BC), carved into a mountainside above the city. Xerxes' gateway is at the very right of the image.

At the front are stables and encampments for troops, behind which lie the ruins of the Palace of 100 Columns (only the bases of which remain). The columns of the Central Hall of Apadana Palace, to the left of which lie Darius' Palace, with Artaxerxes' palace at the very left of the frame. Little remains of Xerxes' Palace, which lies in front of Artaxerxes' from this vantage point. The tree-shaded area to the left is the Persepolis Museum in front of which is what's left (nothing) of Darius' large treasury. The original city extends well to either side of this view.


Can't wait to watch this move ..

Persepolis Official Website

Marjane Satrapi: "Persepolis" a pro-Iranian humanist tale

Sunday, November 11, 2007

伊朗行《11》--- Persian Food

The cuisine of Iran is diverse, with each province featuring dishes, as well as culinary traditions and styles, distinct to their region. Iranian food is not spicy. Most meals consist of a large serving of seasoned rice and an accompanying course, typically consists of meat, poultry, or fish. Herbs are used frequently. Onions and garlic are normally used in the preparation of the accompanying course, but are also served separately during meals, either in raw or pickled form.

Zereshk (i.e. barberry) is used heavily in Persian Cuisine. Zereshk polow (i.e. Iranian Chicken and Rice with Barberries) represents the most prominent use of barberry that is mixed with rice. It tastes great!

Friday, November 09, 2007

伊朗行《10》--- A World Without Strangers

When travelling, it's more than just about sightseeing, it's the ability to meet local people and make friends that is most interesting, and that's when language becomes important. Even though not many Iranians speak English, I'm glad that we can still communciate well with each others by means of body languages.

However, my Iranian friend Zarrin, who has been living in the US for the past 20 years and lately travelled to Iran, had a hard time in taking a picture for the local people. Perhaps they get worried when an Iranian wants to take a picture but with a foreigner they think the picture goes far and it won't matter. They are private and shy at the same time.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

伊朗行《8》--- 遇上100%的畫家

這天我和Iris在Imam Square內的Bazzar遛連了一個下午,紀念品買不到,郵票也買不到,累極!只想找一間茶館休息一會,伊朗人不喜歡喝咖啡,喜歡品茗,他們不會直接加糖在茶內,而是把方糖含在口中,再喝一點茶,讓糖在口中慢慢溶化,伊朗茶有點像錫蘭紅茶,就算不加糖,微澀的口感加上芳香,也很好喝。


見他盛意拳拳,且時間尚早,就跟他往市場內一逛,我們被帶到他父親的一間畫廊,他父親正默默地畫畫,而他兒子就不斷地介紹父親的作品,又展示Lonely Planet (Italian Version)內有他父親的照片云云,他絕對是一名出色的推銷員,但比較硬銷。


Friday, November 02, 2007

伊朗行《7》--- 不同的遭遇




翻譯阿麥德給我講過一個故事, 他的女兒莎哈爾小的時候最喜歡不穿鞋,光著腳丫在雨中玩, 每次都是渾身濕漉漉的回家. 可是到了她9歲生日的那一天, 按照伊朗法律, 她必須要參加一個成人禮, 在那一天, 她將披上頭巾, 從此不可將頭髮顯露於外人面前. 別的女孩子欣然接受的時候, 莎哈爾卻拿著頭巾, 對爸爸說, 爸爸, 我再也不能感覺到雨水打在頭髮上了. 望著莎哈爾的眼睛, 阿麥德衝進洗手間, 淚濕滿面.

前兩天我穿著一件白色的長衫, 去大巴扎拍片. 那裡琳瑯滿目的讓人心慌, 因為人太多,聲音太嘈雜, 讓我忍不住的鎖緊眉頭.阿麥德是個絕頂聰明的人, 看我的神情, 於是站在我的身邊, 靠牆而立, 司機和dee還有R先生, 將我環繞. 可是那來來往往的男人眼神中骯髒的氣息,已經足以讓我感覺到窒息. 結果即便是這樣, 15分鐘之後, 一個男人居然還是潛伏到樓上的那一層, 對著我吐下口水, 白衣服, 藍色的頭巾, 我的同伴們臉上的憐憫, 周圍的人一副看好戲的表情, 真是想大罵一場, NNND甚麼狗屎國家, 我為你的文明而來, 而你將我如此羞辱. 但是我最後還是咬緊牙關, 沒有發出聲音.


阿麥德一言不發的在車上看著窗外的飛過風景, 我問他說你怎麼了, 他說你不知道我有多抱歉和多難堪. 我說那並不是你的錯, 他說, 可是這就是我的祖國, 那些人就是我的兄弟, 你說我該拿我的人民怎麼辦? 我問, 有沒有想過離開這裡, 你去過那麼多國家, 去任何一個地方, 都會過的很好. 他說, 可是我怎麼能逃避我自己的家, 它在我的血液裡面, 是我無法迴避的部分啊.

回到住的地方, DEE突然跟我說, 幸虧帶了頭巾, 不然就直接吐到頭髮上了. 我聽完, 想起Simi跟我說, 裹在黑長袍裡面, 我覺得protected. 但是protected from what? 如果我因為受到今天這樣的羞辱, 而寧願躲藏在黑長袍的保護之下, 那麼到底是我變的文明了, 還是邪惡教化了我, 馴服了我, 我不要躲藏在暗角里面, 那裡太荒蠻, 太淒涼.

12點的時候, 毛拉的祈禱混合著歌聲響起, 很多人會在乾淨的毯子上, 向著麥加的方向, 跪拜他們的真主. 我的身體, 卻不由自主的轉向太陽的方向." Unquote


G.O.D. forbid!

G.O.D. should design some products with logos like "P.T.U.", "C.I.D." or "O-Kee" to help promoting Hong Kong Police Force as a remedy. Haha!

"G.O.D. forbid!

Carol Chung

Friday, November 02, 2007

A bid to turn a Hong Kong-made and designed T-shirt into a fashion icon for local youths has run foul of the law with the arrest of 18 people from a local chain store yesterday.

Police said the design on the T-shirts marketed by Goods of Desire - or G.O.D. as the store is popularly known - was linked to a triad society and that those who purchased them could also be arrested.

Possessing triad products is a violation of the law and people wearing a shirt with such logos will be arrested, Organized Crime Triad Bureau Acting Superintendent Cheng Fuk-chuen warned.

Police confiscated 88 T-shirts and more than 500 postcards printed with a "14K" logo, "? x K"- with the numbers written in Chinese characters - from the store's five offices and warehouse located in Central, Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui and Yuen Long. They arrested nine men and nine women, including salespersons and designers, aged between 21 and 51.

It is believed one of those arrested is the store's founder, Douglas Young Chi-chiu, who is a grandson of Kowloon Motor Bus founder William Louey Sui-tak.

They are suspected of contravening the Societies Ordinance, which refers to slogans, published materials and objects with symbolic meanings, and which police specialists have confirmed to be related to the triads. The police raid followed a recent media report on products the store was selling.

Cheng said the industry should be careful when designing products not to contravene the law.

"Creativity is creativity - that's different. The industry should study the legislation, which clearly states symbols representing or constituting triad symbols are illegal," Cheng said.

G.O.D.s marketing manager Cherry Ma Kit-ying insisted the logo was one of the store's usual designs and involved "a play on words."

Other examples include "Delay No More" - which sounds vulgar in Cantonese - printed on products, and home accessories with the store's name G.O.D. which sounds like the Cantonese words for "better living." The logo design was only intended to refer to gold rather than the triads, Ma said.

"Some may relate it to the triads ... we didn't have any intention to promote things [related to the triad]."

Ma stressed the store's innocent intention, saying "14K gold was marked on the back of the postcards."

Lawmaker James To Kun-sun, deputy chairman of the Legislative Council's security panel, said whether the controversial logo violates the law depends on how it is displayed and publicized, and whether it conveys any triad-related message.

People who have bought the products but are innocent about the meaning may not be charged. But if they act in a provocative way when wearing the T-shirt, they could be mistaken for a triad member, To said.

G.O.D. is recalling the T-shirts and postcards, which went on sale in mid- September.

So far, more than 10 T-shirts, costing HK$280 each, have been sold.

Police said those who have bought the products should call 2527-7887. "

Source: The Standard

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

伊朗行《6》--- 邪惡的頭巾

這天的Persepolis風和日麗,正當我在Tomb of Darius the Great前沾沾自喜的看着剛用400D拍下的一名穿着傳统服飾的中年男士之際,一個穿得相對摩登的伊朗美少婦把我拉在一旁,友善的跟我說我並不應替此人拍照,心想:莫非他是一個神聖不可侵犯、十分顯赫的大人物,隨即問道:『他是何許人呢?』,她答說:『這裏對伊朗人來說,是一個很神聖、很重要的地方,而此人則是政府那兒的人,我們並不喜歡這個政府,因此,妳不應把他與此古蹟拉在一起。』






伊朗行《5》--- Little Miss Sunshine

Monday, October 29, 2007

伊朗行《4》--- 賠本生意


Sunday, October 28, 2007

伊朗行《3》--- 邪惡軸心?!

出發到這個被形容為『邪惡軸心』的伊朗前,無聊地在facebook發問了一個問題:Should I go to Iran? 怎料,無心一問,卻引來很大回嚮,很多親友認為我的決定很冒險、匪夷所思,力勸不要前往,但也有不少朋友對這個神祕的國家很有興趣,其中一位同事更說多年前曾到此作三星期旅遊,伊朗是她最喜歡的中東國家。




伊朗人 ---- 是我在旅途中遇到的最友善的外國人。論到邪惡,一萬倍不及我們的香港人吧!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

伊朗行《2》--- Women Dress Code in Iran

By law, all females over the age of nine must wear the hejab, the general term to describe the type of Islamic dress required for females in Iran.

Signs in public places show two possible variants on correct hejab: The chador, an all-encompassing, head-to-toe black 'tent'; or a maqna'e (a wimple-like scarf-shawl) with a manteau (baggy trench coat) and trousers.

These days the 'style police' are not as busy as they once were and foreign women can get away with wearing their normal clothes, provided their head, shoulders, arms, legs and body are completely covered and the shape of their body is concealed.

That said, a female tourmate of mine was shouted by a conservative Iranian who tried to correct the situation as her scarf slipped back a bit too far while my friend Iris was warned by a 'style police' since her T-shirt was not loose and long enough. Ha! Ha!

Source: Lonely Planet

Photos taken in Isfahan, Iran Oct 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

伊朗行《1》--- 向波斯帝國出發




沿途若有機會上網的話,讓我嘗試報告一下行程吧! I'll be back!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Relaxing Sunday in DB

Thanks a lot, Jacky, for lending me the wonderful lens for shooting. I'd definitely consider to buy one for my next trip.

Had lunch in Cafe de Paris. The set lunch there was really great and value-for-money. Better sit outside for taking pictures.

Friday, September 07, 2007



朋友們,唔想俾人話你out就快D join facebook 啦!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

La Ballade Of Lady and Bird

Lady and Bird《La Ballade Of Lady and Bird》

Bird : Lady?
Lady : Yes Bird?
Bird : It's cold
Lady : I know
Lady : Bird... I cannot see a thing
Bird : It's all in your mind
Lady : I'm worried
Bird : No one will come to see us
Lady : Maybe they come but we just don't see them
What do you see?
Bird : I see what's outside
Lady : And what exactly is outside?
Bird : It's grown-ups
Lady : Well maybe if we scream they can hear us
Bird : Yeah, maybe we should try to scream
Lady : Ok, Bird
Lady & Bird : Heeeelp, Heeeelp
Can you hear us now ?
Hello !
Help !
Hello it's me
Can you see
Can you see me
I'm here
Nana come and take us
Are you there
Lady : I don't think they can hear us
Bird : I can hear you lady
Bird : Do you want to come with me lady
Lady : Will you be nice to me Bird
Lady : You're always be nice to me because you're my friend
Bird : I try but sometimes I make mistakes
Lady : Nana says we all make mistakes
Bird : Maybe we should scream more
Lady : Yes, Bird let's scream more
Lady & Bird : Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help
Hello !
Hello !
We're lost
Lady : I think they cannot see us
Bird : Nobody likes us
Lady : But they all seem so big
Bird : Maybe we should just jump
Lady : What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us
Bird : I don't know let's just see what happens
Lady : Okay
Bird : Come with me
Lady : Shall we do it together
Bird : Yeah
Lady & Bird : 1 2 3....Aaaaaaah
Bird : Lady?
Lady : Yes Bird
Bird : It's cold
Lady : I know
Lady : Bird...I cannot see a thing
Bird : It's all in your mind

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Hedge Fund Redemption: Now Showing

Thanks God, I have switched out a hedge fund before this movie is shown. Dunno how long this film will be on. By the way, The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American movie, written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the Stephen King novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and it is one of my favourite movies.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

結婚前後 ~佚名

<結婚前> 往↓ 看:













<結婚後> 從下往上看↑

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


絲瓜具有清熱化痰、涼血解毒的功效,廣東人稱絲瓜為勝瓜,為什麼?絲瓜粵音為“屍”瓜,不吉利,因此改稱勝瓜。 銀魚又稱“水中人參”,營養豐富;據分析,每100克銀魚含蛋白質8.2克、脂肪0.3克、碳水化合物1.4克、鈣258毫克、磷102毫克、鐵0.5毫克、熱量41千卡,以及維生素B1、B2、等多種營養成分,有嫩膚、美容之功效。




2條勝瓜 (瓜皮須撤底刨去,否則呈苦味及『絲絲』聲)
一両銀魚 (即咸魚仔)

首先把勝瓜去皮、切小段,放在碟中備用;跟着下油爆香薑絲及銀魚,再放在勝瓜上,隔水蒸5分鐘,這道營養豐富、清淡味美的菜餚就完成了! 爽脆清甜的勝瓜加上面頭點綴的銀魚仔, 簡直是黃金組合!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Women In Art

500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art

Music: Bach's Sarabande from Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007 performed by Yoyo Ma

Sunday, August 12, 2007



50% 己婚
25% 有兒女
12.5% 全職家庭主婦
12.5% 教書
12.5% 執業大律師
12.5% 準備出國深造
50% 商界


Friday, August 10, 2007

Battle at Kruger

The Battle at Kruger--a battle over a baby calf between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and a crocodile-- was witnessed by Jason Schlosberg and David Budzinski in September 2004 at a watering hole near Pretoriuskop Camp, Mpumalanga in South Africa's Kruger National Park.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hygiene vs Motivation

Hygiene reduces job dissatisfaction.

Motivation increases job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is not the opposite of job dissatisfaction.

What shall we do if there is no job dissatisfaction but no job satisfaction?

I think it's time to have a vacation!!

Amazing Lemon Water

While I was drinking lemon water after having a big lunch today, I come across, by googling, several articles about the benefits of drinking lemon water.
Lemon Water - Alkalising Superstar

"The beauty of lemon water is that it is tasty, refreshing and best of all, alkalising. The lemon juice raises the alkalinity of the water so even with standard tap water you can make your drink pH neutral.

However, for the full lemon water effect: distilled/ionised water with Alkalive’s pH booster (or Prime pH or another pH drop) and lemon creates the ultimate alkaline water. The trick however, is to have the water lukewarm. If the water is too hot or too cold then it will cause the body to expand energy in order to process it. Lukewarm water also has that comforting feeling to it…"

"Apart from being an amazing body alkalizer/alkaliser, lemon water also gives the following health benefits:

- Lemons are antiseptic
- Lemon water has excellent digestive properties and can ease heartburn, bloating and other digestion problems
- Lemon water cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys
- Lemon juice contains calcium, magnesium and potassium
- Lemon juice has been known to relieve asthma
- Lemon water (hot) offers relief from cold and flu symptoms while providing some much needed Vitamin C
- Lemon juice is a great skin cleanser"

The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

"The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss in his book Back to Eden:

The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the system of impurities."

"Lemon Remedies Published by Jethro Kloss in Back to Eden

For sore throat, dilute lemon juice with water and gargle frequently. Dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water. It is even better to use straight lemon juice.

A slice of lemon bound over a corn overnight will greatly relieve the pain.

A slice of lemon bound over a felon [pus formation on a finger joint] will not fail to bring the pus to the surface where it can be easily removed.

To relieve asthma, take a tablespoon of lemon juice one hour before each meal.

For liver complaints, the juice of the lemon should be taken in a glass of hot water one hour before breakfast every morning.

To break up la grippe [flu or influenza], drink a large glass of hot water with the juice of a lemon added, while at the same time have the feet in a deep bucket or other vessel of water with mustard added to it. The water should be deep enough to where it comes nearly up to the knees. Keep adding hot water to the patient's tolerance and until the patient begins to perspire freely (about 20-30 minutes). Be sure there is no draft on the person while this is done. The patient should be near a bed so he can get in it easily and avoid any danger of getting chilled. If convenient, a full hot bathtub would be good in place of the foot-bath. The lemon water should be taken every hour until the patient feels that all the symptoms of the cold are gone.

A teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water relieves heartburn.

For rheumatism, one or two ounces of lemon juice diluted in water should be taken three times a day: one hour before meals and at bedtime.

In cases of hemorrhage, lemon juice diluted in water and taken as cold as possible will stop it.

Scurvy is treated by giving one to two ounces of lemon juice diluted with water every two to four hours.

In excessive menstruation the juice of three to four lemons a day will help check it. Best to take the juice of one lemon at a time in a glass of cold water."

7 Fantastic Uses of Lemon Juice You Probably Never Thought Of

"1. Give Your Hair A Beautiful Shine;

2. Remove Tarnish From Copper and Brass;

3. Use Lemon Water To Get You Going;

4. Clean Up Household Grease Naturally;

5. Disinfect Your Kitchen Cutting Board;

6. Remove Sticky Pine Tar From Your Hands; and

7. Silence a Hacking Cough and Heal a Sore Throat.."

Saturday, August 04, 2007





快樂 許冠傑





一張晚報 一杯香檳


Friday, August 03, 2007

Rhain Davis the Whiz Kid

THE world's most famous soccer club - Manchester United - has offered nine-year-old Brisbane whiz kid Rhain Davis a shot at stardom.

Rhain has been invited to join Manchester United's famed academy, the breeding ground of current Red Devils' star Ryan Giggs and 1966 World Cup-winning England hero Bobby Charlton.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Before Sunrise/Sunset - Far Away

Let me sing you a waltz

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

變形香江 (港版變形金剛) Transporters

鳴謝Huoshan提供此link ..哈哈!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

I Love Graffiti

I have been addicted to Graffiti recently. I guess I would become another "Emperor of Kowloon" one day.

Below are the graffiti I drew at
facebook lately.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

In the Memory of "Emperor of Kowloon"

`Emperor' who wrote royally

Thursday, July 26, 2007 - The Standard

The self-styled Emperor of Kowloon, Tsang Cho-choi, famous for his unique brand of calligraphy graffiti, died on July 15 following a heart attack. He was 86.

Tsang, who claimed that most of the land in Kowloon belonged to his ancestors, caught local, and later international attention, when his calligraphy started popping up in the strangest of places 50 years ago. These included electrical transformers, lampposts and World War II bomb shelters. At one point, his writings appeared on the hills near Kennedy Town.

In his works, Tsang always used his "royal" title and his family tree.

He sometimes included demands for the government to pay him land taxes.

Even though his artwork was persistently painted over, he often returned to revitalize his writings.

Art critic Lau Kin-wai said Tsang spent his final days at an elderly home surrounded by family members.

Lau hopes to realize Tsang's last wish of having some of his work exhibited. In recent years, Tsang's creations have received international recognition and photographs of his creations toured the United States in 2000.


This little jar of lemon water is enough to keep me awake for the whole afternoon.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Albert Einstein on Marriage

Albert Einstein was asked on his golden wedding anniversary, "To what do you attribute the success of your marriage?" Professor Einstein offered this profound response:

"When we first got married, we made a pact. It was this: In our life together, it was decided I would make all of the big decisions and my wife would make all of the little decisions. For fifty years we have held true to that agreement. I believe that is the reason for the success in our marriage. However, the strange thing is that in fifty years, there hasn't been one big decision."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

Adam and Eve

The picture quality was very bad as I mistakenly switched the image resolution to the lowest. For more exhibits, please visit 黃永玉藝術展 or go to Times Square directly.

Sunday, July 22, 2007












Saturday, July 21, 2007

My First 360°Panorama

This 360°panorama was merged from a total of 25 photographs, taken at Kowloon City Park on a sunny Sunday.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What Your Latte Says About You

You are easygoing and pretty simple to please. You don't put up a fuss... ever.

You can be quite silly at times, but you know when to buckle down and be serious.

You have a good deal of energy, but you pace yourself. You never burn out too fast.

You're totally addicted to caffeine... but you like to pretend like you aren't!

You are responsible, mature, and truly an adult. You're occasionally playful, but you find it hard to be carefree.

You are complex and philosophical, but you are never arrogant.

What Does Your Latte Say About You?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

i'm lovin' it

No wonder kids are all obsessed with McDonald's. Even the business cards of their staff are so lovely ...

Saturday, July 14, 2007



【讓一切隨風】 鍾鎮濤
曲:Katsuo Ono/Aku Yu 詞:黃霑 

風中風中 心裡冷風 吹失了夢
事未過去 就已失蹤 此刻有種種心痛
心中心中 一切似空 天黑天光都似夢
迷迷惘惘 聚滿心中 追蹤一片冷的風

各種空虛 冷冷冷 吹起吹起風裡夢
過去的心 火般灼熱 今天已變了冰凍
記憶中突然又痛 只因空虛再作弄
你似北風 吹走我夢 就讓一切隨風

風中風中 心裡冷風 吹失了夢
事未過去 就已失蹤 此刻有種種心痛

心中心中 一切似空 天黑天光都似夢
迷迷惘惘 聚滿心中 追蹤一片冷的風

各種空虛 冷冷冷 吹起吹起風裡夢
過去的心 火般灼熱 今天已變了冰凍
記憶中突然又痛 只因空虛再作弄
你似北風 吹走我夢 就讓一切隨風

Friday, July 13, 2007



1 性愛: 這件事情的重要性就不用我多說了吧,陰陽調和是青春的基礎。

2 派對:不用天天,偶而為之的狂歡可以讓我們釋放壓力,活在當下。

3 旅行:充電再出發。一個人去無負擔,2個人去很甜蜜,大家一起去試煉朋友的真諦。

4 約會:即使結了婚,也要保持約會的習慣,讓妳記得為他美麗,讓他記得愛妳。

5 保養:說了第九千遍了,天下沒有醜女人,只有懶女人。

6 睡眠:愛自己的身體,要給她完全的充分休息。11點上床,不要忘記。 (This one is the hardest to achieve.)

7 運動:為身心靈補充氧氣。如果真的不愛動,就去做瑜珈。很愛動,也試著做瑜珈。

8 工作:成就感就是妳的存在感。不要跟社會脫節,不允許頭腦老化。

9 購物:要不然為什麼我們是女人?

10 下廚:減輕身體的負擔,應該是放什麼進去就注意。自己下廚是藝術也是美德。

11 閱讀:滿足口腹之慾,更要滿足心靈的慾望。不善化裝的妳更要讀書。

12 下午茶:人生最大的享受就是與姊妹討論是非,或者我們就當它是心理治療吧。

13 裝扮:沒有天份的人更要多練習,這是自愛也是禮貌,不要忘了從內衣就開始。

14 早餐:不吃胸部會變小喔。

15 泡澡:一個人的時候,幫助血液循環,2個人更有情調。

16 作夢:白天俗稱發呆。夜裡作夢是預知未來。夢想讓女人永遠不老。


Wednesday, July 11, 2007


“The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.” – Esther Dyson

I don’t want to be a loner but it seems that this blog and the blogger are getting more alone these days.

Where are you, my friends / fans? What are you busy at? Stop being a (Read-only) CD-ROM!!