Saturday, March 24, 2007

Riddle of the Day - Riddle my word

Riddle my Word

Decapitate me and all becomes equal. Then truncate me and I become second. Cut me front and back and I become two less than I started.

What am I?

P.S. The blogger has been too busy to blog recently, to keep this blog up and running, she will post a puzzle, riddle, math, or statistical problems every few days. Try to answer each one and post your answers in the comments section. She will post the answer later. Even if you have the same answer as someone else, please feel free to put up your answer, too!


GM5 said...

Hint 1: "I" was one of the famous Hollywood movies in the 90's.

kEV said...

"I Have No Idea"

GM5 said...

Hint 2: There's a shop with the same name of "me" in Citygate.

What am I?

GM5 said...

Last Hint: "I"'m one of the major sports events in Hong Kong.

GM5 said...

The answer is "seven".

even (equal)
eve (2nd person, according to the Bible)
v (Roman numeral five; two less than seven)

Let me post an easier quiz next time.