Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Amazing Lemon Water

While I was drinking lemon water after having a big lunch today, I come across, by googling, several articles about the benefits of drinking lemon water.
Lemon Water - Alkalising Superstar

"The beauty of lemon water is that it is tasty, refreshing and best of all, alkalising. The lemon juice raises the alkalinity of the water so even with standard tap water you can make your drink pH neutral.

However, for the full lemon water effect: distilled/ionised water with Alkalive’s pH booster (or Prime pH or another pH drop) and lemon creates the ultimate alkaline water. The trick however, is to have the water lukewarm. If the water is too hot or too cold then it will cause the body to expand energy in order to process it. Lukewarm water also has that comforting feeling to it…"

"Apart from being an amazing body alkalizer/alkaliser, lemon water also gives the following health benefits:

- Lemons are antiseptic
- Lemon water has excellent digestive properties and can ease heartburn, bloating and other digestion problems
- Lemon water cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys
- Lemon juice contains calcium, magnesium and potassium
- Lemon juice has been known to relieve asthma
- Lemon water (hot) offers relief from cold and flu symptoms while providing some much needed Vitamin C
- Lemon juice is a great skin cleanser"

The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

"The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss in his book Back to Eden:

The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the system of impurities."

"Lemon Remedies Published by Jethro Kloss in Back to Eden

For sore throat, dilute lemon juice with water and gargle frequently. Dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water. It is even better to use straight lemon juice.

A slice of lemon bound over a corn overnight will greatly relieve the pain.

A slice of lemon bound over a felon [pus formation on a finger joint] will not fail to bring the pus to the surface where it can be easily removed.

To relieve asthma, take a tablespoon of lemon juice one hour before each meal.

For liver complaints, the juice of the lemon should be taken in a glass of hot water one hour before breakfast every morning.

To break up la grippe [flu or influenza], drink a large glass of hot water with the juice of a lemon added, while at the same time have the feet in a deep bucket or other vessel of water with mustard added to it. The water should be deep enough to where it comes nearly up to the knees. Keep adding hot water to the patient's tolerance and until the patient begins to perspire freely (about 20-30 minutes). Be sure there is no draft on the person while this is done. The patient should be near a bed so he can get in it easily and avoid any danger of getting chilled. If convenient, a full hot bathtub would be good in place of the foot-bath. The lemon water should be taken every hour until the patient feels that all the symptoms of the cold are gone.

A teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water relieves heartburn.

For rheumatism, one or two ounces of lemon juice diluted in water should be taken three times a day: one hour before meals and at bedtime.

In cases of hemorrhage, lemon juice diluted in water and taken as cold as possible will stop it.

Scurvy is treated by giving one to two ounces of lemon juice diluted with water every two to four hours.

In excessive menstruation the juice of three to four lemons a day will help check it. Best to take the juice of one lemon at a time in a glass of cold water."

7 Fantastic Uses of Lemon Juice You Probably Never Thought Of

"1. Give Your Hair A Beautiful Shine;

2. Remove Tarnish From Copper and Brass;

3. Use Lemon Water To Get You Going;

4. Clean Up Household Grease Naturally;

5. Disinfect Your Kitchen Cutting Board;

6. Remove Sticky Pine Tar From Your Hands; and

7. Silence a Hacking Cough and Heal a Sore Throat.."

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