Friday, November 09, 2007

伊朗行《10》--- A World Without Strangers

When travelling, it's more than just about sightseeing, it's the ability to meet local people and make friends that is most interesting, and that's when language becomes important. Even though not many Iranians speak English, I'm glad that we can still communciate well with each others by means of body languages.

However, my Iranian friend Zarrin, who has been living in the US for the past 20 years and lately travelled to Iran, had a hard time in taking a picture for the local people. Perhaps they get worried when an Iranian wants to take a picture but with a foreigner they think the picture goes far and it won't matter. They are private and shy at the same time.


leonard7007 said...

a little sad. 外國勢力?

GM5 said...

真係唔知點解 ..